With pride, honor and joy we would like to inform you that on May 27th 2023 the 3rd IKO Karate Kyokushin Championship was held in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, after 3 years of absence due to Covid restrictions, organized and hosted by branch chief Sensei Bernard Banaszczyk/Karate Kyokushin Club!
There was strong participation with over 100 competitors from three of the five Canadian IKO Branches represented; Branch Chief and organizer Sensei Bernard Banaszczyk (Kitchener Ontario Branch Central Canada), Sensei Stephan Giroux (Saint Constant Quebec Branch Eastern Canada) and Sensei Darren Lenkorn (Toronto Ontario Branch Central Canada) including satellite dojo’s. There was a very high level of Kata displayed by competitors, a good spirit and technical Kumite. The event assisted the Branch Chiefs to make their selections for junior competitor recommendations for the World Youth Championships coming up in Tokyo this November. After the tournament a Sayonara party was held nearby where competitors, officials and family had a great time reconnecting with old friends and making new ones after the day’s successful event.
I would like to extend a big thank you to all the participants, the families, judges, volunteers and supporters of Kyokushin Karate!
Hope to see you all next year at the 4th IKO Karate Kyokushin Championship, it will be on May 25th 2024, held in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Sensei Bernard Banaszczyk